and_the_pen guys! I really wanna say thanks so much to you all! You're just so amazing when you comment and say that I'm good. You guys make me feel like my life has a purpose. I love you all so much. When I say 'all' I mean ALL!! Even if you aren't following me just thank you so much. I love you guys!


@Hurley_and_the_pen  We love you too! You truly are an amazing writer ^-^


I just read ur subtato fanfic and it's really good. Also, just have to ask: are you still depressed? (Ok, that's a really awkward question. I'm sorry) Don't stop writing! :D


Typo! A toughy not account toughy


@heartstopper This is my new account. Shhhhh. I got a new one cause I didn't really wanna continue these stories and wanted to start new ones. But if I did new ones on this account people would yell at me to continue the subtato and stuff. Also I'm not depressed, I'm almost completely happy with life and am fighting in internet groups to help end depression and make people happy. I am fighting for a better, happier world. And don't worry I haven't stopped writing and never will. I write a Skybop on this account and have a monthly check on this account. Also, Nyan or Grumpy...that's account toughy. I guess Nyan cause I love his theme song. But don't worry about me, I'm living life to it's fullest and discovering who I really am. If anyone asks about me could you and anyone else who sees this message tell them I love them. I love you all like family and will never stop believing in you guys. So smile because even if I'm not active on my accounts, I'll always check on you and be here to help. Love ya and my broz!  Byezz! And remember that this isn't goodbye. I'll always be here. ❤❤❤❤

and_the_pen guys! I really wanna say thanks so much to you all! You're just so amazing when you comment and say that I'm good. You guys make me feel like my life has a purpose. I love you all so much. When I say 'all' I mean ALL!! Even if you aren't following me just thank you so much. I love you guys!


@Hurley_and_the_pen  We love you too! You truly are an amazing writer ^-^


this message may be offensive
OH MA GAW BROZ!! I'M SO SORRY!! I haven't uploaded in weeks! I'M SO SORRY!! But the thing is, I think I'm not that into Wattpad anymore, like, I don't really wanna continue my books. But I don't wanna be that user who disappears with a half finished book! I want you broz to know the ending of these. Oh hang on...even just writing this makes me wanna write, huh. So broz I promise. Starting next week I will update at least once a week, probs more. But ya know with high school. I'm sorry okay, but I'm growing away from it. I guess my youtube is consuming my electronic life more now, with my new screen recorder and stuff. But I will try to finish these books for you guys, I don't wanna leave you guys confused or on edge with a story....Wow, almost 50 followers and that's the point when it feels like I'm gonna give up. But you guys have shown so much support and love for my books so I can't let you down, I have to finish them for you. Shit! My Enderlox is only just started. Oh well I already have it written out, maybe I could publish them all in what? 3 weeks? Oh yeah I gotta choose the OC's. DAM! There's 3 entries so 1 person's gonna miss out, shit! Anyway broz, I have to leave. I'll try for you! And always remember...I LOVE YOU!


Oh broz I'm kinda annoyed. Cause I've already got 3 books running and I really wanna start a skylox cause I have a great idea for one. I can do 4 books at a time if you want but I know you broz have other books in your library and I don't know if you'll be able to keep up with them...Tell me if you can because I'll act on the first reply. Unless that reply is a no, lol. It's okay to say no but first yes I will start. And if you can't keep up with it then you could start reading it afterwards. Anyway, tell me. As always love ya broz! Byezz! And I have started the Enderlox if you didn't notice




@ Hurley_and_the_pen  yes :) 


Hey ma broz! The week is over and the new book will be an Enderlox! It will be started in a few dayz. Also, anyone I talk to over social media, like Skype or insta. My phone has run out of data so I can't talk to you broz for 12 more dayz. Nuu! But I will still be on wattpad. Love ya broz byezz!!


Hey broz, I wanna get a 3rd book going so I'm gonna get you broz to choose from 2. There would be more options but I only have 2 ready and worked out. So the options are Enderlox or Setosolace. Both plots are pretty good if you ask me and which ever is chosen, the other will be done after. So leave a reply saying which one I should do first and I shall count votes at the end of the week. Also, leave a reply saying which SHIP you like most and you would like me to do, all comments will be considered. Love ya broz! And a very special update will be published in 2-3 days on my Subtato. Again thx for all the support, so I'll let you reply now. Love ya!


@ Hurley_and_the_pen  Enderlox and i ship Poofless the most so if you prefer to do that i would be happy :). 


Yo bros, anyone know how to add pics to chapters on the website version of wattpad? It's confusing


@ Hurley_and_the_pen i foregot to say that you must pick the second of the four links. 


@ Hurley_and_the_pen  if you press on the photo (if you doing it on the computer) and than right there stands 'share links' you must first left click it (so it wil glow bleu or someting) and than left click it and than you can copy it. Than you can do it on the wattpad.


I tried using that but I don't know where to get the link from