pearls for hair, glass for nails, woollen hands and silver eyes. a tired collage, ready to be sung to sleep. greedy tongue, stoic felted fingers, lonely bones...
her stomach, waxing and waning, now concave, now convex, something cosmic in scope and yet he could touch it, kiss it, bite into it like sweet nectarine flesh. coated in sleep and midnight blue.
"what is the opposite of amnesia? because that is what i have.
sometimes i cant find my way around my memories.
i have to take detours.
i think you were the best one.
its like it was never really going anywhere and alot of breakdowns but really it made for the best trip.
its strange to land here and be completely out of place.
but at the same time not really.
never really felt like i understood anything anyone was saying anywhere so how different can this be?
its like it always was.
i have affection imprinted deep inside my head.
its why i am always on the verge of love or giving up.
or thats what i am convinced of today- tomorrow it will be something new.
dear drugstore cowboy, the chemical balance is a bit off.
its 7 am in california, 11pm in japan.
but my head is always on central standard.
how are you gonna get your way out of this one pete?
baby you are a canary and i am a coalmine.
the moon is out and its convincing me, it has me all kinds of crazy.
maybe we’ll just go to sleep and wake up on the summer sheets i grew up on.
because how could any of this be real."