I'm 13,A huge Fangirl of alot of things.I have a huge crush on Nico Di Angelo! I go from one subject to another very quickly.I practice Wicca and not very good at it, but I just started.My family thinks I have a crush on Jack Frost,who looks alot like my Cousin.Sanubis is one of my ships.I think Merida and Astrid would be great friends.I ship Jackunzel and Mericcup,but I also ship Hiccup and Astrid. I love the BIG FOUR! I also signed the petition for the Rise of the brave tangled dragons.I also hate vivisection,Vivisection is the practice in science of torturing helpless animals.
  • Camp Half-Blood,Brooklyn house,and with the big Four
  • IscrittoDecember 30, 2013

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andibyrom andibyrom Feb 15, 2014 05:54PM
Your Welcome.
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Storie di andibyrom
Warrior Rant CAT di andibyrom
Warrior Rant CAT
This is where I rant about warriors
PJO/Rise of the Guardians di andibyrom
PJO/Rise of the Guardians
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