Hey folks, remember when I was only taking a short break? Yeah that was six months ago. I'm not "back" back, but I thought I'd drop in to say that your girl Dandelion is joining my Reality Gradient series! She's going to be a core part of the female-dominated Virtual Wars series. The battle for women's rights is about to become an all-out war!
Check for book 1 -- The Firsts -- in January 2023, followed by book 2 -- Imaginary Enemies in June of the same year. Tentative date for book 4 -- Better than Dying -- October/November of 2023. I'm finished writing book 1, and 44k words into book 2.
More of a Notions of Home fan? Karlen's coming too, but I'm not giving her a major part. Alisandra, however... well. She's pretty amazing and will be there in full-force.