
can't believe Im 22 why does time 


university is killing me atm (please send help) but with the new percy jackson show coming in december I'll probably get hyper-fixated again and I'll maybe update Down The Rabbit Hole, or at least make some progress on the half written chapter
          so who knows, maybe I will come back to life (if uni doesn't end me)


this message may be offensive
3am rant incoming:
          I know that friendships are not permanent and that it's normal for two people to drift apart, especially with friends from school and/or highschool, but idk why it just really hit me?? the tragedy of it all?? how is it that two people who used to share everything, who planned their futures with each other in mind and couldn't spend more than two days without seeing each other, get to a point where life just fights to keep them apart, to test the silly promises they made not so long ago and force them to lose contact in such a bittersweet way. 
          like, people grow and evolve, and there's no guarantee the person you made friends with in childhood is still compatible with your current self, but it's so sad?? and unnecessarily cruel?? because you've got nothing but good memories with them, but there's no way to get them back, and after some time it just feels forced, and it starts to taint what you thought of the relationship, and it's just— 
          you have to just accept that and move on, because that person that once was such a crucial part of your life is now just a blurry image at the back of your mind, and you'll always wonder where you went wrong or what happened without realising that it was inevitable, and that just makes it so much worse. 
          this was totally unprompted, and I don't know where it came from, but my brain is refusing to sleep just making shit up and I couldn't not write it lmao