
we are a troubled generation who long for validation and understanding / excerpt from my current work who’s ready?


what should I post ?
          - poetry 
          - spam book 
          -a novella 
                                               A LIL NOTE 
          First if I know I’ve been fine for awhile I’m sorry and second thanks to the beauts who told me I should go for it  (you know who you are) I never really share my work but Wattpad is just one of those places  where there are no limitations to what you create there are so many accepting people on here who will help shape and grow with you so thank you all I’ve finally gained enough  confidence to post after these last  couple months so now it’s up to you guys to choose what you want to see that’s it for now hopefully this wasn’t too much to read and I know there isn’t any punctuation (I’m sorry) bye now 
          -xoxo Indi


grammar fixes - *off not if *gone not fine sorry for not noticing that before 