
Big announcement!!! I just got married!!! And about to get a new job!! I couldn’t post it anywhere on my social media stuff because we wanted to surprise my family lol so I’ll say it here!!


Just a heads up!
          I’m gonna turn off certain books because I sadly have no desire to finish them at this moment. 
          I apologize for this but I honestly want to focus on certain stories at a time. I hope you guys understand. 
          The stories are:
          My New Hero!
          Fateful Encounter- Cirque Du Freak Fanfition
          A New Day
          Again I apologize but I do hope you find excitement in my other readings instead! 


YO guess who back bitches. I had two large things of Red Bull and a whole cup of coffee. I am hyped and ready to take on god. 
          I will officially say I fixed myself and I am feeling ten times better. 
          So I can say
          Hi, names Oliver! I am ready to give your brain the good read!


I apologize for not posting anything for a long time. Important things came up in my life; friends wedding, graduation of college, planning surgery, and about to transfer jobs. It’s been a mess and I hope you guys will understand. I will try to post more, but I do not know when. Please stand by. Again I’m sooo sorry about the wait. 
          Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals!