Hello everyone, it’s been a very long time since I’ve last been here. A lot of things has happened and I apologize for not updating or anything. I know I don’t need to say anything but you all deserve to know what I wasn’t on much.
You see, I’ve gotten Covid and it was a horrible feeling. I was deathly scared of not knowing whether or not I was going to live or die, I felt weak and unable to move without throwing a coughing fit.
Im thankfully I’ve been recovering slowly, getting the lack of strength I’ve lost while lying in bed almost all day. Im still having trouble breathing but I’m making progress.
Soon I’ll be making new stories and the current stories I am not sure if I’ll continue. Along with rewriting, since I improved I want to redo my work and see how much progress I made.
But I am alive, not dead so expect new stories coming! :D