
Does anyone know where I can get into contact with an editor here on Wattpad? I have a lot of trouble with making my workflow properly.  And it's just hard editing your own work. Suggestion are most apricated.


@angelhearts1234 If you have a computer, you can log into the Wattpad clubs. They have editors listed there.


Does anyone know where I can get into contact with an editor here on Wattpad? I have a lot of trouble with making my workflow properly.  And it's just hard editing your own work. Suggestion are most apricated.


@angelhearts1234 If you have a computer, you can log into the Wattpad clubs. They have editors listed there.


Hey guys so I was going over the last chapter of "The Chase" when i noticed that half of the chapter was gone, so I now have the rest of the chapter up  if you want to go and see what was cut off. I am so sorry about that and I hope you like the rest so enjoy :D


Hey Everyone,
          I hope everyone is having a good summer. I just wanted to get an update out there before I go back to work on Monday (first day of school) So chapter 25 of "The Chase" is up. I know its short but I swear it was almost five pages on Microsoft word . So I hope you all get the chance to soak up some last-minute ray of sunlight before the cold weather comes.  Good luck


Hey everyone, 
          just letting you know, chapter 24 of "The Chase" has been posted :D so go ahead and  check it out. Feel free to leave a comment or two. I love hearing from all of you and I do respond to every comment as well. 
          Have a good day or night, where ever you are :D


Hi, thanks for voting on a chapter of "Never Truly Forgotten!" It really means a lot and hopefully, you continue reading if you've added it to your library. Feel free to vote on chapters and comment any feedback because I'd love to hear what you think of it :)
          Thanks again and have a nice day! Xx


Hello lovely followers,
          long time no write, I know. I am sorry about that but I have been slammed with work recently. I just thought I would let you all know that I have not forgotten about Aria and Matt or Diana and Talon for a second. I am slowly but surely writing the next chapter in their crazy lives and I wanted to thank all of you for your patients.


@angelhearts1234 I am at the same point in my story. My characters stopped speaking to me. It's so frustrating!!! And I only have about 3 chapters left!


@ElleLeeLove  Thank you :D I just don't know when I can get it out. I know what I want to happen I'm just stuck on how I want to lay it out


@angelhearts1234 Can't wait to read it!