
I have been trying to create some stories, but I can never get passed the first or second paragraph. My stories in the past use to be really long, mostly because majority of the content was dialogue. But ever since I tried to cut down on the dialogue and tried to be more descriptive, I have lost most of my inspiration and motivation to write. I don't know what to do!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


I have been trying to create some stories, but I can never get passed the first or second paragraph. My stories in the past use to be really long, mostly because majority of the content was dialogue. But ever since I tried to cut down on the dialogue and tried to be more descriptive, I have lost most of my inspiration and motivation to write. I don't know what to do!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


It has been a long while. I had never realized how many stores I had in my library until I finally decided to go through it all and clear out some of the books. I know that a lot of you will most likely have more that what I had.
          In conclusion, I had decided to keep the ones that I plan on reading. I had gotten rid of any of books I had seen and realized that wasn't going to be updated anytime soon. Which made me a bit upset, because some of them I had actually got caught up with and was very interested in. But in the end, all they were doing is just taking up space. 
          I encourage you all to do the same as well. As too getting rid of any books that may have been forgotten about, discontinued, or even the ones that you don't plan on reading anytime soon.


I don't see the point of creating stories if people won't read them. So I might just stop all together. Plus, I am not inspired enough or motivated enough to continue writing anymore. And if I do, I will just have them as dafts until there are people that are willing to read my content.
          The whole point of creating my stories and such was to share my creativity with others. But I guess no one is interested. So... I'll just stop for a while.


          I have no motivation or ideas to add to The Magic Within Us story and it is bugging me.
          HELP ME PLEASE!!!! Anything would work to be honest. Its just.... at the moment, I am having individual chapters to introduce the BTS members, but i seriously keep having writer's block. And it is not fun.
          Anyone have any ideas for me too use? I will give anyone credit since it is their idea and I don't wanna steal it.


Hello my peoples!!!
          I have decided to delete my stories except for one. And I have decided to concentrate on that story for a while. By that I mean until it ends or at least close to its ending.
          This story hasn't been published at all yet. So I hope you guys will give it lots of love when it does get published.
          The reason for deleting everything and starting new is because I absolutely hated the way that I tried to tell ny stories. So I wanted to try something new and somewhat get out of my comfort zone.
          They will still contain mature content, like:
          Foul language
          And might be really mature content (i am not really sure yet)
          So please respect what I am doing. And if you don't like it, then you don't have to. Everyone has different opinions.
          But keep in mind. I am only a writer and everyone has their own voice and their own way of writing.
          But for any of you that has read this, is reading this, and giving me full understanding and support;
          Thank you. I love you all so much.


          I am gonna be rewriting all of my stories! So I will be unpublishing them and then post new and better chapters for them. I just wanted to give you all a heads up before I do so.
          Thanks for reading them and enjoying them.
          Purple you all. 


I have this thought in my head for quite a while now.
          What is everyone that we know and love is just our pure imagination? Same goes with the life that we wanted or the life that we belive that we deserve yet we never new it. What if all of this is just a dream/nightmare that we can never wake up from?
          I know that it is weird and all. But that thought would never leave me alone and I had to do something. I can't just write it down on a piece of paper because I don't want anyone to find it and read it. Yet i want EVERYONE to know what I am thinking. (if that makes sense)


Hi guys!
          I just published the Spanish version of the second chapter of Forever Yours. If you are interested in reading it and it is your language, feel free to read it.
          ¡Hola chicos!
          Acabo de publicar la versión en español del segundo capítulo de Forever Yours. Si le interesa leerlo y es su idioma, siéntase libre de leerlo.


@danielynebrannon  haha okay Friend, thanks☺️ I’m going to read it.