I could hear 500 negative things about you and still be your friend, the only person who can change my mind is you! <33 Send this message to 10 people you love and hold dear to your heart! Started by: @/cherrtsterry
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I want to kill myself. My FUCKING Dog died by falling off the ledge of our like, high place or smth, I don't care what it's called, and his leash held him and basically hung himself. I am officially over with this bullshit, I hate this and I hate that I have to explain this to my SIX YEAR OLD SISTER?? SHE'S ONLY SIX! AND OUR DOG DIED
@angelina_starina thank you I'm still upset about him, but thank you for helping me❤ Have a good year and stay safe! ❤
@Kkfeb2008 loved I meant not lie I'm sorry I get autocorrected I don't even know how to fix it :(
@angelina_starina I feel bad for you my family also been losing a lot of dogs not trying to make you cry or anything just telling you how I feel to I get sad to a lot unless I am keeping my tears in and we lose cats to we have a lot of dogs at our home and my dad has a lot of cats at his home I know it sounds unbelievable and sounds not true but it is plus the animals are adorable but I miss some that does specially the first dog I ever met and lied when I was born his name was buddy and he ran away when it was 2019 I hate that year at the same time i love it but I hate about it was my first ever dog to care for :(
I could hear 500 negative things about you and still be your friend, the only person who can change my mind is you! <33 Send this message to 10 people you love and hold dear to your heart! Started by: @/cherrtsterry
Hey, you're from quotev right? The one who writes "The matchmaker"? I love that story of yours. Wish you post it here so I could read it offline
Thanks for the follow!
I want to kill myself. My FUCKING Dog died by falling off the ledge of our like, high place or smth, I don't care what it's called, and his leash held him and basically hung himself. I am officially over with this bullshit, I hate this and I hate that I have to explain this to my SIX YEAR OLD SISTER?? SHE'S ONLY SIX! AND OUR DOG DIED
@angelina_starina thank you I'm still upset about him, but thank you for helping me❤ Have a good year and stay safe! ❤
@Kkfeb2008 loved I meant not lie I'm sorry I get autocorrected I don't even know how to fix it :(
@angelina_starina I feel bad for you my family also been losing a lot of dogs not trying to make you cry or anything just telling you how I feel to I get sad to a lot unless I am keeping my tears in and we lose cats to we have a lot of dogs at our home and my dad has a lot of cats at his home I know it sounds unbelievable and sounds not true but it is plus the animals are adorable but I miss some that does specially the first dog I ever met and lied when I was born his name was buddy and he ran away when it was 2019 I hate that year at the same time i love it but I hate about it was my first ever dog to care for :(
Hello! I'm so sorry for not posting any new chapters to any of my stories, as I was busy with my studies and like, two weeks ago I fell down the stairs, but only on the last third step and landed on my butt- This happened during a Saturday, and my legs ached for a bit and when I went to school on Monday, I would later cry at night cause of how much it ached- So, someone like, came to massage my foot and then, it turns out I dislocated a part of my foot, I could still walk somehow, but it was like, the circle part of my foot so that's why it was swollen and dark cause the bone was supposed to be out, but it was inside Again, so sorry for not posting any new chapters!
Boo! You have been booed and a ghost is now haunting you! You must boo 15 other people to get rid of the ghost! If you get 5 boos you are cool. If you get 10 boos you are amazing. If you get 15 boos I'm jealous. (Sorry)
So Monday… some boys came to my table and started flirting with me ( same thing happened to a Friend of mine but not that day or school) I told them to stop flirting with me I was not interested because I’m anti romantic but they didn’t + I’m bisexual I told them that and they started laughing at me and saying mean things to me like you can’t like boys and girls and I was angry as hell at them because they were big jerks towards me and my friends so … I kicked one in the Nono square and guess what THEY DID NOT GET INTROUBLE But I did I got in trouble and that just makes me mad because they were harassing my friends and they didn’t even get in trouble I’m sorry for putting this on you I’m just upset
@dreamsolarflare .... I would've probably tried to punch them, so it's fine! I try to help people as much as I can, but if you need help perhaps asking an adult you trust? If they aren't any help, then you can try gathering proof perhaps? Like video recording or pictures, and when you have enough proof you perhaps can show it to your principle or teacher so they can at least punish them, but that may make them bully you more so if it gets really bad, then you may need to get the cops involved. Sorry if this isn't much help, but do remember you deserve to be loved and you are absolutely amazing, don't forget that :)
I just remembered something and I hate itsl so much, I had to skip the first two days of school because I live rather far away and it was only orientation, and the day I actually go which is the third day, turns out it starts at 8 because 6:30 was for next week, only for an hour later the mayor announced school was cancelled for today. I thought I was late because I arrived at 7, but no, turns out school was cancelled and the actually was supposed to start at 8 because the actual schedule started next week. I was there for an hour or two because it took awhile for my parents to come since I didn't have data I needed to use my friend's phone to text them to come pick me up. Seriously, only a few students were there and only three of my classmates showed up and they left before me. Sorry for this little rant but I really wanted to share this experience to anyone.
@dreamsolarflare I never had any, but I know a friend who has. They just told me that it did hurt them deeply for awhile, but they eventually begun to ignore it. Just know that they are being idiots and that you matter and your absolutely amazing and worth it. If it's physical bullying, I suggest telling your parents, older siblings, teacher, guardian, whoever you trust. Ask them for help and maybe they can help, but if gets worse then I suggest maybe asking your parents to switch schools if you don't mind switching schools of course, if it's just verbal just ignore them. They aren't worth it. I'm not exactly the best so I hope this helps even a little, just remember to be yourself and that you absolutely deserved to be loved and cared for, as well as you are absolutely amazing and talented :D
I am so sorry for not posting in awhile. School starts today and it isn't at 7:30 anymore, it starts at 6:30, so I gotta wake up when the sun hasn't even rised yet
@angelina_starina it is, and since I now live rather far away from my school, I have to leave before 6 am just to get there on time
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