
@NotReallyForever the world's greatest shave? omg a lot of girls at my school broke down because they just cut literally half a inch of their hair! agreed •.• teachers are very strange... of course i miss you and everyone else! hopefully i can come down for a visit soon!


@NotReallyForever what the hell is up with those two?! (yeah i remember her!) haha most of my school teachers are fricking insane -.- they always accuse us and don't even listen to the people telling the truth. they just assume and say that to the coordinaters! (coordinaters are kind of like the team leaders but except for year levels) 0___o


@staceyjin we call our coordinators deans, and I dont even know. ms mcdonnel got hers done on stage for cancer or something and she was crying apparently. teachers are weird. do u miss ur friends here?


@NotReallyForever ms warren! omg i had so much hate for her... nothings better than new zealand :D luckyyy! i only like about 9 teachers out of the whole school at the moment 0.0


@staceyjin did anyone NOT hate her? she dyed her hair BRIGHT RED in year eight. ew. oh yeah and ms mcdonnell SHAVED HERS ALL OFF!! u remember her right? I only really hate my food and nutrition, maths, old digital teachers. my maths teacher is soooo weird, fnt teacher is sooooo boring (I literally fell asleep once) and my old digi teacher is a dinosaur. from like the 200s.


@NotReallyForever oh hey izzy! :) haha i'm not actually on the voice kids XD i just like the show :') how's it going back home? having fun at highschool? :)


@staceyjin thats what I meant haha. my sisters are really into it as well! its great actually. there are so many new people! whats school like in aus?