
Just wanted to give an update to anyone who may be patiently waiting for more of my second book, Broken Obsession. 
          	Between filling in for a recently vacant position at my job and trying to compensate for the late hours with more family fun in my free time, I have been busy busy lately, so have not been able to write as much as I would like. While I do have some more written, it has not felt ready yet, and I don't want to do the characters wrong by publishing a mediocre version of their story. 
          	Em and Max's story is about so much more than just an opposites-attract romance. It is about growth, healing, and letting go of what you want to find true happiness in what you need. 
          	In order to do their story justice, I have had to slow my roll a bit and take a little more time to plan and plot. 
          	On top of that, I have found a lot of additional inspiration for more stories that I have had to give a little more focus to as the stories unfold in my head. 
          	With all that being said, I still want to apologize to my readers for the delay. I know consistency is so important, and I really hope you all can bear with me while I work out the kinks in my process.
          	I do appreciate you all and want to encourage you to follow me on Facebook, where I hope to give more regular updates and teasers for the stuff I'm working on. 
          	Thank you!


Just wanted to give an update to anyone who may be patiently waiting for more of my second book, Broken Obsession. 
          Between filling in for a recently vacant position at my job and trying to compensate for the late hours with more family fun in my free time, I have been busy busy lately, so have not been able to write as much as I would like. While I do have some more written, it has not felt ready yet, and I don't want to do the characters wrong by publishing a mediocre version of their story. 
          Em and Max's story is about so much more than just an opposites-attract romance. It is about growth, healing, and letting go of what you want to find true happiness in what you need. 
          In order to do their story justice, I have had to slow my roll a bit and take a little more time to plan and plot. 
          On top of that, I have found a lot of additional inspiration for more stories that I have had to give a little more focus to as the stories unfold in my head. 
          With all that being said, I still want to apologize to my readers for the delay. I know consistency is so important, and I really hope you all can bear with me while I work out the kinks in my process.
          I do appreciate you all and want to encourage you to follow me on Facebook, where I hope to give more regular updates and teasers for the stuff I'm working on. 
          Thank you!


Happy Valentines day!
          It's finally here! The first chapter of Broken Obsession is up and ready for consumption. We are taking a deep dive into the darkness with this one so brace yourself. 
          In this next installment you will get thrown into the darkest parts of Em's past and watch as she tries to rebuild parts of herself that she hadn't realized were still broken until meeting Max. 
          You are also going to get to know a whole new side of Max that he has kept carefully tethered for years. 
          Max and Em's story is so complex, heartbreaking, beautiful and scandalous, and I'm so excited to continue sharing it with you. 
          So prepare yourself for more angst, more heart break, and more spicy scenes that are sure to light you in fire. 


Happy Friyay, everyone! 
          The week is finally coming to a close, and this girl is ready for the weekend. 
          It's cold and snowing where I'm at, so that means I will be at home getting lots of writing done. 
          Once again, I want to remind everyone to follow me here and on Facebook.  
          I will be sharing a lot more on Facebook, including some of my favorite reads and snippets of the books I'm working on. 
          Please, please, please feel free to offer feedback and interact with me here and on any of my socials.  I am going to be getting my insta up and running this weekend as well. 
          As I've mentioned, I have a lot of stuff in the works that I'm so eager to share, and Facebook will be the best place to get more info and sneak peeks where that is concerned. 
          Thank you all for your support, and enjoy your weekend!


And there it is! 
          I've officially posted the 8th and final part of Stolen Confessions, making this a complete book. 
          Please let me know what you think! In February, I will start posting the 2nd installment of this series, Broken Obsession, which will continue to follow Max and Em as they leave the cabin and reenter the "real world" while trying to cope with the after math of their meeting. 
          I'm planning to do a chapter or 2 a week, but I'm still getting that part all ironed out. I also have a few other books I have been working on that I am eager to share with you all, so don't be surprised If you see me posting a Mafia or Paranormal RH sometime this summer.
          Despite the subject matter in "Stolen Confessions" it is actually one of my lighter romances, so if you enjoyed it and want to get a little darker with me please follow me on here and Facebook. You can find my author page on Facebook by looking up Angel René Kayne. I am going to be posting a combination of updates on my writing journey plus sharing some of my favorite reads along the way. 
          I will be taking some time this weekend to set up an email list and Instagram and will post about that once it is done. 
          Thank you all for joining me on this journey. Please feel free to give me all the feedback, what you liked, disliked and would like to see more or less of. 
          I'll be back with more updates soon❤️


Good morning, everyone! 
          I just posted the 7th part of Em and Max's story, Stolen Confessions. This is the first story I have shared with the world, and I am so excited to hear what everyone thinks!
          The final 5 chapters will be coming out tomorrow so keepnyour eyes open, I try to post fairly early in the mornings. Next month, I will start posting my second book, which will continue to follow Em and Max out of the cabin and into the world where they will both be forced to face the aftermath of their meeting. I have not decided the pace release for this one yet as I am still working on it. 
          Please fill free to find me and follow me on face book, Angel René Kayne. I'm just starting out so posts are non-existent right now, but I will be changing that over the next few weeks. 
          Thank you for taking the time to read Em and Max's story and thanks for your support!