
A new chapter of The Book Of Mages (Alyssa's View) has been posted! I hope you all like it! Sorry if the first couple chapters are less interesting. I kind of have to skip from thing to thing until Ezcrel is in Alyssa's life full time. The next chapter should be a lot more interesting! That's Alyssa's view of the chapter, Chapter 5: The Perfect Date, which should be interesting. If you read the new chapter and chapter 5 of The Book Of Mages, then you'll know that's when Alyssa gets suspicion of you know who. Read both chapters again to find out what I mean, if you don't already.


A new chapter of The Book Of Mages (Alyssa's View) has been posted! I hope you all like it! Sorry if the first couple chapters are less interesting. I kind of have to skip from thing to thing until Ezcrel is in Alyssa's life full time. The next chapter should be a lot more interesting! That's Alyssa's view of the chapter, Chapter 5: The Perfect Date, which should be interesting. If you read the new chapter and chapter 5 of The Book Of Mages, then you'll know that's when Alyssa gets suspicion of you know who. Read both chapters again to find out what I mean, if you don't already.


I'm sorry I haven't been posting recently. I've been going over my stories making sure the grammar is correct, and that books that are part of the same storyline had correct background and nothing contradicted itself. Like in The Book Of Mages and The Book Of Mages (Alyssa's View). Or The Bite Of '87 and FNAF: Grand Reopening. Once I'm done with all of this I'll start making new chapters. I'm taking a break from the grammar checking and storyline polishing to make a new chapter of The Book Of Mages (Alyssa's View). So look forward to that soon! And don't forget, if there's something you wanna see in one of my books, don't be afraid to comment below an idea!


And I just might be making another chapter of FNAF: The Grand Reopening before fully going back to making stories full time on Wattpad. No promises, but I just might!


For the time being, all my stories are on hold
          And please note that I am working on my stories, just they're talking really long to come up with ideas, incorporate them into my story, ecs.
          So, sorry for the inconvenience.


@angelofdarkness000 Thank you for letting me know!  I hope you find the inspiration you desire and keep the drive you need!


Today is my birthday!!! Today I turn 13!!! Today I'm a teenager!!! Today it's official! Today I start my sentences with today a lot!!!


Happy B-Day!!!♤




Hey! Check out the new chapter of The Bite Of '87 - The Puppet
          Here is a preview...
          " Before we left I saw a giant puppet marionette thing pop out of a box and give a kid a stuffed animal. Was that the animatronic that took out my frontal lobe? "No it couldn't be." I said to myself. "