
Chapter 2 for master styles has been publishedgo check it out! 


When are you going to continue writing master styles


@ angelstyles1206    it's ok good luck then


@user7032728 sorry but I genuinely don't know I've got part of a chapter written but I'm quite busy with college rn


          I really don't know what to do anymore I still want to write this story plus my others but I just don't. I feel like nobody supports me. You see I've told some friends and some are fine with these fanfics but they also told others and those others think I'm weird for writing these fanfics. But I really do enjoy writing them.
          It's just a lot of the time I can't do it anymore. I want it to stop, want them to go away. I want to be able to write these stories without the hate or the judgement. It's making me hate the stories too even though I really do love them, I enjoy writing them so much. So I'm thinking do I stop writing everything just leave them discontinued. Or do I get a new account one they don't know about where they can't read the stories and judge me for them. Or I could ignore it, I'll deal with it. Cause them haters better fooking back off. 
          From when I updated quite quickly to now when I can barely bring myself to update for you guys, of you are there. So I'm sorry for all you who read this story, and maybe actually like it. I'm sorry for failing you by not updating,  but I really don't know what do do right now. I need your help. 
          -Cat xoxo