An open letter to my readers:
Hi friends. Fea here. Just popping in to do some housekeeping.
Let me just start off by saying: Thank you for reading my work. As someone who’s wanted to be a writer since they were four years old, I cannot express to you how amazing it is for me to have my work read, kudosed, voted for, reblogged, reviewed, etc. It’s truly a wonderful thing to experience and I’m humbled every day by it.
That being said, I would also like to request that you respect my boundaries as a fanfic writer. My work is posted in a variety of different places for you to leave comments/reviews be they positive or negative. I always welcome your thoughts on my work. That’s why I post it; to share it, create discussion, experience feelings right along with all of you.
To appeal to the different preferences of fandom I have created accounts on: AO3, livejournal, Wattpad, dreamwidth, and Those are the sites (and here on tumblr) where I want my work reviewed, promoted, and criticized. I do not want my work anywhere else.
More specifically, I do not want my work on Good Reads.
Good Reads is a site for published books. And I fully support the site, was an avid user of it myself at one time (when I read more than I wrote!), but I do not want my work up for review there. It may be an unpopular opinion, and one that can be debated all day, but bottom line is, I don’t want my work on Good Reads.
Please respect that and stick to reviewing my work on the sites I’ve chosen to publish it on. If there’s another fanfic platform I haven’t yet posted on, let me know and I’ll see about getting my work up there too. (I’m slowly making my way through cross posting all my fic. Slowly.) But for now, where my work is, is where I want it to stay.
Thank you for understanding.
Carry on.