
@StainedIceSkates Honestly, I don't know why i haven't made one. I guess I'm just apathetic about it. (I love that word. Posh way of saying lazy. Sounds cool). Leave me be! Fictional characters/alter egos are the best! No human can match up to their awesome personas. (Man do I sound possesively weird). 


And it's not even really a social website, it's more of a blogging site which is fun. Just go make one. Not posh, articulate. *Cough* Oh really? You only like one of their personas. Plus, um, the alternate ego was human. If you forgot. Go to this link, you might like this:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46340616,d.d2k&fp=afae9b92e7967f0c&biw=1366&bih=667


@StainedIceSkates Honestly, I don't know why i haven't made one. I guess I'm just apathetic about it. (I love that word. Posh way of saying lazy. Sounds cool). Leave me be! Fictional characters/alter egos are the best! No human can match up to their awesome personas. (Man do I sound possesively weird). 


I like that, but we all know it was true from the beginning. How do you feel knowing that on the internet it is revealed of your strange crush types. But then again, most people on Tumblr have crushes on fictional characters. Which reminds me, why haven't you joined Tubmlr yet?