
sorry i havent uploaded lately...the next chapter will be up soon


          Would you please check out my poems and let me know what you think? There aren't that many and they're all in a group.
          Maybe even Vote or comment? And if you do comment, will you be honest? Your opinion matters :) lol
          I would be happy to return the favor :)
          -legendthriller33 ☠☠☠


Heyyy x) ! im yasmin im new on wattpad id really like it if you could read my Story Changing for the better id like the feedback good or bad and maybe if you really liked it you can tell me which person you liked the best & comment and voteTANKS! x3 i know you must get a lot of these but im thinking you'd really like my story ! <3 ! =) ohh and if youuu reallly like you could fan ! ;)


          I know these can get really annoying! But could you check out my stories?! I have alot, and not enough room to put summeries. But If you check them out, give me some feedback. I love people to tell me if they like, or dislike my stories! 
          I would return the favor!!! 
          Thanks bunches- CupCakes148 :)


HOWDY!!! i know these messages can get annoying.. but the only way to become popular is through advertising your self 
          so i was wondering if you could read my story, 'Shift' 
          AND GIVE ME AN HONEST CRITIQUE about it :D [good bad.. i really want to know]
          here is a little thing about it 
          22 years ago werewolf Lilly was attacked 
          8 months later corinne was born 
          21 years later corinne has not shifted at all and has give up on all hope of ever being a were, 
          her mother, now insane, lives in an instution 
          And corinne lives with the pack her mother grew up with, her grandfather is the leader. 
          or if shapeshifters arent your thing 
          ive got some poetry also :) 
          vote, comment and become a fan and i'll will for sure return the favor! 
          thank you 


Hey there. Could you possibly have the time to check out my new story called Faster Than This? I'm entering it into the watty awards, and hope that people like it (: Thank you so much. here's the description 
          Riley meets Alan on a foggy autumn day in the park half filled with yellow and red leaves. He is everything she wants to be, and he is everything she hates. Things move quickly as she falls into a deep spiraling circle filled with endless images of him. In her school, her work and even her home. Can things move any faster than this? 
          If you have time, please read my other story as well, It's called Motive, and it's entirely different than the other story, more darker and violent.


Hi i was wondering if you would come read some of my books. I know these are annoying but we got to get our stuff out there some how! I right about many different stuff. Werewolf’s, normal teens, Mythology, Vampires, and Science fiction. All you gots to do is click on the pic and it will take you there. Thank you.