
I'm not sure if you're on Wattpad right now or reading this message, but I just wanted you to know that I will help you through whatever you are dealing with right now. You're honestly one of my closest friends and I will obviously do my best to support you. If someone did something to you or if you're just going through some mental problems right now, I will be there for you if you need me. I really hope you get better soon, even if it isn't going to happen today. I'll be waiting for you when you feel free to talk to me.


@__TickiTock__ I really hope the reason ISN'T because of something that i said


I also really hope that the reason you're upset is because of something that I did or said. I never purposefully tried to hurt your feeling and I obviously regret what ever I did if that is the case.  I hope things can go back to normal at some point. If it was something that I did or said, please tell me so that I can give an explanation for my actions and/or apologize properly. As sappy as this may sound, I care about you and your well being. Hopefully we can get this all sorted out, and we can go back to being friends/you can feel better soon.