@angstyengineerings ;
Duncan always felt oddly special whenever her attention was focused only on him, like he was being rewarded. Annabella was the one person who ever bothered to make him feel special in any way. The way she looked at him like he was actually a person and not just a monster, no one else did that. As cliché as it was, hearing her voice was like music to his ears. Her words made him smile faintly. "No, it's nothing you did," he reassured her she wasn't guilty of her strange fear. Duncan wished that's why he were here, it would be much easier to explain. It was difficult speaking, so he took a moment to find his words. "Look, Bella... I came because I'm seriously thinking about, well, leaving," he told her, fidgeting.
The words hurt to say, he didn't really want to leave. He wanted a reason to stay, but he didn't know what. He was half convinced she would be relieved he was gone anyway, since he felt like a problem most of the time anyway. "I don't know if I should or not, but right now it's starting to feel like the best option. I'm just tired. I'm so tired of fighting it all the time," he said, sighing. By it, he meant everything, but mostly the pain he felt no one knew about. Duncan could feel his eyes stinging with tears, but he fought with every bit of willpower to hold them back. He refused to cry in front of others, especially Annabella. He had always been told it was a sign of weakness to show that side of himself, and that was something he believed for a long time. "I don't know what to do anymore. I feel... defeated."