¡Por favor, elimine esta historia inmediatamente! Acabo de informarme y sabes que lo escribí en fanfiction y mis amigos lo tradujeron. Esto es plagio y le he contado a Wattpad sobre ti. No sé cómo crees que está bien robar el trabajo de alguien y luego decir que es tuyo. No creo que haya nada malo en tu computadora, es porque eliminé la historia. Haz lo correcto y elimina esta historia robada ahora.
Jane Harvey-Berrick
Anhelito - Please remove this story immediately! I've only just been told about it and you know that I wrote it on fanfiction and friends of mine translated it. This is plagiarism and I have told Wattpad about you. I don't know how you think it's okay to steal someone's work and then say it's yours. I don't think there's anything wrong with your computer - it's because I removed the story. Do the right thing and delete this stolen story now.
Jane Harvey-Berrick