
I hope the first chapter of the new lame unoriginal book gives you something to look forward to.


@Twigggins I can't necessarily say no, but I can't say yes, either. I'll give you some tips to help with your writing, though. First tip: You don't need to plan out every little thing, or your story will seem a little... Er... Uptight? Strung high? Whatever. You should try to occasionally write from the heart, rather than only the mind. To my next tip: Although it's okay to know everyone's thoughts and feelings, you really don't need to. You created the characters, so all you really need is the thoughts and feelings of your main character (or whoever a chapter focuses on) and a dim aspect of everyone else. To the last but not least tip: You provide a lot of detail in your book, Umbra. A LOT. Though that's not bad, if you put TOO much detail in your books, it will keep the reader's mind stuck in one place. The great things about books is that they let the reader's imagination go wild, but with all that detail, they have no choice to but to imagine what they read, because there's nothing left for their mind to create on it's own... That was a lot of typing.


@OverlordUsagi You need a name for the NaNo novel, right? If he's a perfectly trained Exorcist that hunts what I'm going to go ahead and call monsters/demons, I can think of a few names. I'll message them to you if you'd like.


@ANiMARUPTiS You... I... *glomps*
            I suck so terribly with titles. I would definitely appreciate your help <3
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Alright guys, as you can clearly see I have three books now, so I'll start doing votes. Comment "vote" on the most recent chapter of the book you want updated, and the one with the most votes is the one I'll make the next chapter of. If I get no votes on a book, I will not update. Don't call me cruel, but it's too hard for me to choose which to update next because I <3 all of my books. Sorry and thanks.


@OverlordUsagi Gods I love the DA games. Sandal for some reason always annoyed me. "Enchantment? Enchantment!" But I recently got DA Inquisition for the Xbox 360 (since I can't afford a One ;-;) and I've been playing it so much my little sister is worried about my health. That in itself is an achievement.


@ANiMARUPTiS I've only played Origins (cause... I'd have to pay for the rest and I got Origins free) but I've played it /so/ many times. And I want the rest so bad. The stories to them are freaking amazing.
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