@theyellowdragon Just followed you because you posted on my message board. <3 I love, love, loooove Zeno. So you're profile pic caught my attention, I read a little bit about you in your bio, and you seem amazing. So here we are. :3
@i_am_a_lost_boy I don't know,I never really had a real friend before,I wasn't like any kid when I was youngh.I was mostly allways in a 'about_to_have_a_panic_attack' contition and I stickes with my dad even tho he got mad at me and screamed me oftenly.
@theyellowdragon Just followed you because you posted on my message board. <3 I love, love, loooove Zeno. So you're profile pic caught my attention, I read a little bit about you in your bio, and you seem amazing. So here we are. :3
@i_am_a_lost_boy I don't know,I never really had a real friend before,I wasn't like any kid when I was youngh.I was mostly allways in a 'about_to_have_a_panic_attack' contition and I stickes with my dad even tho he got mad at me and screamed me oftenly.