
Anybody who is reading my "You" series (this includes, You are Special, You are a Demon, and You are Going to School with Sebastian and Ciel stories) stop... I reread all of them and they are SO BAD *Like really bad* bad bad really bad STOP IT 


Anybody who is reading my "You" series (this includes, You are Special, You are a Demon, and You are Going to School with Sebastian and Ciel stories) stop... I reread all of them and they are SO BAD *Like really bad* bad bad really bad STOP IT 


So hey I tried something new. It's a mystery novel and it in my opinion is quite good. It is very much inspired by Sherlock, Death in Paradise and the mysteries will be alike to the ones from Buzz feed Unsolved.
          Please give it a quick read. I'm making it in such a way that you can also theorise about the mysteries from the second chapter on.
          Please be kind if I make any mistakes.
          Constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated!!! ^-^


Hi! How are u!!? How is your day/night going!? Nice to meet you!!


@DaniyaHakeem but to me u are the best story writer!!!!!!!!!!!


@DaniyaHakeem I'm really not that good but thanks anyways :) if you read my old stories you'll see how my stories never added up 


@DaniyaHakeem aww~ thanks!!! Obviously I will enjoy every chapters and stories u write because u r just that great writer!!!


I hate these messages a lot since they kill my email buuuut I'm going to be gone for 10 days without Internet Connection ¡^¡ So I need to read lots of stories, it's a great time I read all yours! As long as there are no awkward or "Everyone knows this is going to happen..." suggests your stories, just reply to this or add a message!!! You only have today and tomorrow morning ^_^ Thank you! 


@anime_animelover107 Thank you for reading my story. I appreciate it :)