
Hey guys I’m moving to a different profile. I have a book that is in the works it isn’t out yet but it will be soon, so go follow my new profile @Alt0Trick and i’ll see all of you amazing people over there.


If anyone even looks at my profile or even looks at my board here when I post, huh, it’s my birthday today  that means in 1 year I will be 18.


@anime_is_cool2 awww congratulations! Hope you had an incredible day filled with so much love and happiness, happy birthday love!


I was just on Netflix and saw the new Bakugan show and it made me miss the old one, everyday it was on Cartoon Network I watched, Seriously I had my mom buy me a few toys and a book bag of it. My top 3 shows that made me as a kid, 1. Spongebob 2. Pokemon 3. Bakugan.