To all My Nicki Fans i'm back but sadly i've still got writers block for this chapter that i've been working on since before i left to camp. Have no fear tho i am sue it will be up in this next week. I wanna thank y'all and those who haven't followed me yet for giving my story over 300 reads while i was gone. that is like super amazing.
To those who have auditioned for the ever important role in my story. Damn, i don't know which of you i am going to pick. Y'all are like the Super Barbz of the Barb Nation. I asked you guys your hobbies and why you liked Nicki but i never told you why i myself like her. Well here it is:
Name: Ce'Nedra
Hobbies: listening to music, writing, reading, singing, watching anime
Why I like Nicki: She's a really strong person she's been through a lot more than i will probably ever will be in and she doesn't let it slow her down. The worst comments can be thrown at her and she keeps going. Maybe she will be having a really bad day, but she knows that the next one will be better. I also find that in some ways Nicki is relateable. She talks in some songs about how she was suicidal before the fame but she pulled through. I believe that if I ever got to meet Nicki, it would truly be an honour.