
          	I LOVE YOU ALL.
          	1 MILLION READS?!?!??!!!
          	YES, WE JUST DID THAT. 


this message may be offensive
I’m not dead, just lots of 16+ hour depression “naps”.
          Everything I write turns into a vent fic at some point or ends up really depressing.
          I’m over halfway done with something that isn’t depressing for once! 
          Sorry, as always.
          Sucks that I can’t even find the motivation to write or get up on some days.
          Thanks for dealing with my moody and dramatic shit.
          I’ll continue to write and hopefully crank something out.
          Hey at least depression “naps” give me time to dream up some fun scenarios for our characters!
          *tries and fails to stay positive*
          You guys inspire me to keep trying though.
          I don’t care if nobody reads anything I make anymore. Thank you for at least spending a minute of your day to even spare my fics a glance.
          Don’t worry about me! I’ll do my best for y’all! 
          Did I manage to make it less depressing?
          Hopefully I’ll update soon. I slept for 18 hours today but still feel sleepy.
          Have a good day ♥️


@animeconquerer Hey!! don't feel guilty, Health is more important than anything. So just rest, take your time,and  calm your mind. And love your life to the fullest... I believe in your talent in writing
            THANKS FOR UPDATING  I Believe in yahhh..


@animeconquerer of course, make sure you drink lots of water too, because migraines are a bitch ♥️


Okay Hiiii, So for the past two hours I've been reading your bnha one shots and especially lemons. Usually I only read lemons when I'm horny and get irritated because lemons usually are so unrealistic  and bad written but allow me to say that your writing and amazing scenarios and perfect dialogue made me screammm. It was perfect. I actually once in my life found a good quality lemon 
          You are inspiring. Really


Who’s still alive? Does anyone read my stuff anymore? LMAOOOO
          Jkjk ilyasm, WRITING CONTINUES NEXT MONTHHHH ♥︎♥︎


@animeconquerer Yep, I'm here! Just been dying from final exams and getting back to finally writing my Celebrity Darling fanfic!


            IKR!! Woohoo!!! ♥️♥️♥️