Merry Christmas everyone! Although I haven't been as online as I used to, I still wish you all a great day and a great next year! Thanks for everything guys!
hi! you have been chosen to be showered in love!!
(UwU) Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves it! (•0•) if you get...
1-2 you're loved
3-4 you're popular
5-8 you're the most loveable people out there!
9+ wow...i'm kind of jealous
don't break his chain unless you want to break someone's heart!
So peeps...
I haven't updated for quite some time and I apologise for that...
I was in a funk, but my mom managed to snap me out of it and after that I couldn't find the words to put in the next chappies...
Sorry for having writings block but I'll still try my best...
Anyway just became 15 and nothing excitings happened yet...
Unless you include @Kags_loves_malks not at update chappie... that made my day!
I can only ask for the people reading my books to excuse me and be patient... Thank You!
Have a nice day!