Well, Laksmi Anindita is a student of English Letters Department in Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. People always call her Ninda or Mimi. Reading is her passion, then learning and sharing must be done. Loves to challenge herself. Believes that life is never flat, so face every problem she has.

An optimistic, cheerful, and active girl. Lot of activities that can't tiring her. Always proud to be:

Book Reviewer @ Blogger Buku Indonesia
Marketing Staff @ Radio Masdha FM
Financial Staff @ Radio Masdha FM
Chief of Marketing @ LPM Natas
Teenlit Reviewer Club @ Penerbit DIVA Press
Always do an extra effort to achieve her dreams. Has no 'impossible' word in her life. Loves family and friends much. Prefer the QUALITY time to QUANTITY time.

Nice people can contact me in :
blog : nindanindaanindita.blogspot.com
e-mail : ninda_anindita18@yahoo.com
goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/21861648-laksmi-anindita
twitter & ig : @aninditaninda
sms, wa, & bbm : by request
  • Yogyakarta
  • JoinedJuly 3, 2014

Story by Laksmi Anindita