
I'm truly upset. Something is wrong with my Wattpad account. It took one on my followings off my list and won't let me refollow them, arggggg. So mad about this, she is one(out of many) of my favorite authors too.


Hi, Anita. Thanks so much for checking out my logbook for the Readers Month Challenge. :) You wrote a very touching piece on your mother. ❤️


@Carolyn_Hill Thank you very much, it's a poem but I can't figure out how to get the form to pull up that way. I am touched by your feed back.


I just saw your reading list for me and it made me cry happy tears, I feel loved!!!
          Presses my cheek to yours
          Thank you


@Whiskeyqueenn, well hey Queen, I have that list because you are one of my favorite authors on Wattpad, and in IWP we were suppose to show where we would put your books and that is one place but I have a book shelf in my room and I am waiting to put all my favorite authors books on it. And you are truly blessed and loved by many and myself. Presses my cheek to yours as well, see I'm still a Greedy Wolf lover and need more. Waiting on more from Blue, Ryan and the gang. Especially Maisy. And then you got me excited about Prosper Green and Addie and now Eleska. Can't wait for Cash and Carry Valentine to start showing off in the mind of yours. Goodness I love your stories and I get I'll when my family doesn't leave me alone to read them at times.


Thank you for the follow and reading list adds! I really appreciate it!


@Stephanie_Gray, Me too, I have found some awesome treasures and some amazing authors.


That's one of the best things about this site, you can be a curator. I enjoy seeing other people's lists and finding new treasures. 


@Stephanie_Gray Your welcome, I had the stories in my library and I was trying to organize it by authors, I still have a lot more that I'm not able to organize because they only allow you so many lists to create, it a bummer. I have so many by different authors. I love to read and since I have to be at home to take care of my husband since his stroke in 2015 all I have is time to read. So often I wished I went on to school to be an editor, but then I don't have it in me to say a bad things( not really bad things just critical things) about somethings so that wouldn't go.