This is not a poem dripped in metaphors, Nor a stanza stitched with hidden scars. It’s a quiet whisper before I close the door, A final ink drop on these endless stars. Wattpad — you were more than a page, More than just stories locked in a cage. You were a home for my restless words, A sky where my wild thoughts turned into birds. To the silent readers, the midnight dreamers, The ones who found a piece of themselves Between my lines, between my rhymes — Thank you for listening when even I felt unheard. And then… the friends I found, Strangers once, now echoes in my heart’s sound. You held my trembling words like fragile glass, Laughed with me, cried with me — let moments pass. Munchkin, Cinderella, Mah strong one, Lil bro, Mochi, Peachy, Bubbles, Vivi, Muffin Man, Sweetheart And so many more who became part of my lore — You weren’t just names behind screens, You became my late-night thoughts and early morning dreams. But every poet has a final chapter to write, And this is mine, beneath the silver moonlight. I leave these pages, not with sorrow, but grace, Knowing every word found a resting place. So, if ever you miss me, Find me in the quiet spaces between stanzas, In the ache of a verse left unfinished, Or in the heartbeat of a line that lingers. Goodbye, Wattpad. I was here. I wrote. I loved. I leave. - Anne

@IamaCrazyFanatic sniff i dunno but i aint growing taller and i'm bitter about that fact