
This is not a poem dripped in metaphors,
          	Nor a stanza stitched with hidden scars.
          	It’s a quiet whisper before I close the door,
          	A final ink drop on these endless stars.
          	Wattpad — you were more than a page,
          	More than just stories locked in a cage.
          	You were a home for my restless words,
          	A sky where my wild thoughts turned into birds.
          	To the silent readers, the midnight dreamers,
          	The ones who found a piece of themselves
          	Between my lines, between my rhymes —
          	Thank you for listening when even I felt unheard.
          	And then… the friends I found,
          	Strangers once, now echoes in my heart’s sound.
          	You held my trembling words like fragile glass,
          	Laughed with me, cried with me — let moments pass.
          	Munchkin, Cinderella, Mah strong one, Lil bro, Mochi, Peachy, Bubbles, Vivi, Muffin Man, Sweetheart 
          	And so many more who became part of my lore —
          	You weren’t just names behind screens,
          	You became my late-night thoughts and early morning dreams.
          	But every poet has a final chapter to write,
          	And this is mine, beneath the silver moonlight.
          	I leave these pages, not with sorrow, but grace,
          	Knowing every word found a resting place.
          	So, if ever you miss me,
          	Find me in the quiet spaces between stanzas,
          	In the ache of a verse left unfinished,
          	Or in the heartbeat of a line that lingers.
          	Goodbye, Wattpad.
          	I was here. I wrote. I loved. I leave.
          	- Anne


@sadewmiinjtw dw bro, I'll love ya anyway..


@IamaCrazyFanatic sniff i dunno but i aint growing taller and i'm bitter about that fact


This is not a poem dripped in metaphors,
          Nor a stanza stitched with hidden scars.
          It’s a quiet whisper before I close the door,
          A final ink drop on these endless stars.
          Wattpad — you were more than a page,
          More than just stories locked in a cage.
          You were a home for my restless words,
          A sky where my wild thoughts turned into birds.
          To the silent readers, the midnight dreamers,
          The ones who found a piece of themselves
          Between my lines, between my rhymes —
          Thank you for listening when even I felt unheard.
          And then… the friends I found,
          Strangers once, now echoes in my heart’s sound.
          You held my trembling words like fragile glass,
          Laughed with me, cried with me — let moments pass.
          Munchkin, Cinderella, Mah strong one, Lil bro, Mochi, Peachy, Bubbles, Vivi, Muffin Man, Sweetheart 
          And so many more who became part of my lore —
          You weren’t just names behind screens,
          You became my late-night thoughts and early morning dreams.
          But every poet has a final chapter to write,
          And this is mine, beneath the silver moonlight.
          I leave these pages, not with sorrow, but grace,
          Knowing every word found a resting place.
          So, if ever you miss me,
          Find me in the quiet spaces between stanzas,
          In the ache of a verse left unfinished,
          Or in the heartbeat of a line that lingers.
          Goodbye, Wattpad.
          I was here. I wrote. I loved. I leave.
          - Anne


@sadewmiinjtw dw bro, I'll love ya anyway..


@IamaCrazyFanatic sniff i dunno but i aint growing taller and i'm bitter about that fact


Hello!! i was reaching out so i could make an outfit for your wedding (im a friend of @IamaCrazyFanatic) and i know the theme is Indian but i was wondering if there was a color theme?


@Nyx_the_bean hey, if u want help from an actual indian, uk where to ask loll (also here, we have different traditional clothes for each state)


@Nyx_the_bean i think I'd be red for us.. hey love, what's on ur mindddd??


Fancy another collaboration?


A bit away from the public eye and in response to your request for my thoughts, I am inclined, as I often do, to mirror Carl Sagan's truly wizened statement, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Aside from an opposable thumb, the most distinguishing, and thereby perhaps most sacred, characteristic of humanity is a capacity for reason. When folks lean into the supernatural, they push reason out the window in favor of faith. Faith, by definition, is unreasonable and being so is utterly dangerous. Even just a cursory review of the history of faith reveals a trail of horror and profound stupidity. Consequently, I arrive at a distinct "fear and loathing" of faith and consider it a vestigial flaw. In symbol, evil hides itself beneath the sheep's clothing of faith. Similarly Baudelaire wrote, "The finest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that he does not exist." I'd turn that over to, the finest trick of God is to persuade you that it does exist. The "devout" refer to saving souls. I rather favor saving curiosity from the tyranny of mindlessness. There then, you have your solicited pealing of my cerebration.


@ankayne  When one writes about striking a balance between faith and reason, I think it invokes a false equivalency. Did faith bring understanding to electricity, electromagnetism, germs, antibiotics, The Periodic Table, DNA, quantum mechanics, semiconductors, transistors, plate tectonics, conservation of energy, optics, etc., etc. Faith contributed minutely if not nothing at all. Faith is not even in the same league as reason. Generally it offers little else other than an opportunity to shuffle self-reinforcing prejudices. Faith carries so little figurative weight it is absurd to consider it in terms of maintaining any sort of balance with reason. When the majority of folks are severly ill or injured where do they head first, to a church, temple or mosque, or to a hospital emergency room? They might pray on the way, but reasonably the primary destination is into the arms of medical science.


@ankayne  Scholars agree that the first written accounts of Christ's disciples appeared roughly 20 years after his death, and the full accounts in the Gospels weren't written until some 35–70 years later. The game "Telephone" (also known as "Chinese Whispers" in some regions) has a message whispered from person to person in a chain. By the time it reaches the last player, it is most often quite distorted from the original phrase to put it mildly. How much inaccuracy, embellishment and outright fiction might one expect to occur over 20 to 70 years of oral transmission? The Bible, just one of many, many religious texts, i.e. fables, seems to me an obviously unreliable source to be cited for anything other than relating analogies. Faith has been characterized as being blind for a reason.