SO. things have changed! (i got locked out of both pigeon_overlord and this account lmao so bear with the newbie pfp) 1. im a senior in hs now! ive applied to my dream college and am currently awaiting a response while working out scholarships and things. im majoring in art <3 2. im in love! and have been for the past year or so. my lovely partner, @Art3mis7of9, was actually a friend i made on wattpad like,,,, 6 years ago which is batshit insane (esp because we were able to meet irl). im trying to convince them to let us have an orange themed wedding to remind us of this site but it hasnt worked so far. fingers crossed for the future >:) 3. im back on tumblr! please feel free to say hi to me @ alolanlan

@Artemis7of9 NOOOOOOO (im going to reread your pidge fanfic and tease you in dms)

this message may be
@Artemis7of9 dont kill the part of you thats cringe kill the part of you that cringes