
Hello, my lovely followers! I just want to pop on here and say that I appreciate you! My latest chapter took me so long to write because I was so freaking nervous about writing it but I hope you guys enjoy it! Much love, AB


Hello lovely people! Here to let you know that The Unbreakable Bond is currently on pause! 
          I will come back to it eventually as it is very dear to me, but I need to heavily edit it and change a few things in order to it to be a story that I am proud of and want to continue writing!
          I am however starting a Harry Styles Fanfiction so if you’re into that, check it out when it’s out! All the love! Thank you so much for being here and sorry for any disappointment. ♥️’s -AB


Hello lovely people! So sorry that I haven't updated recently! It has been a crazy few weeks. My grandpa passed away and I have to fly to South Carolina this week but I have three chapters written right now! I just have to finish editing them and then they will be ready to update! Love you all!