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Hi there! So I've been gone for an embarrassing amount of time...last august I said I was back and was working on new chapters of the diary of a crazy bitch...which was true and then life happened even more than it already had and everything got put on hold. I'm back now (really this time I swear) my plan...I think is to finish writing the diary of a crazy bitch, publishing all remaining chapters as quickly as possible. I really love that book but theres a lot I would change if I could start over again so I think at some point I'd like to completely revamp it/improve it as when I first started writing it I was just trying to get the words out as quickly as possible and didn't really care about the style of my writing. I think I've rambled enough but that's the general outline of my plan for the next few weeks/months. After completing the diary of a crazy bitch but before rewriting/editing the new version I have other stories I plan to publish so look out for those too! Happy Saturday! xo