
I am back for Look Into Abyss 


For few weeks my laptop charger was busted and I have no money to buy a new one, been writing Look Into Abyss using my dhamn phone. Luckily Anwar baik hati nak bagi duit so I got new charger, and now I can continue story about Daniel and Amina.


this week i finished watching the anime, promised neverland. I just would like to say, that anime began with everything and ended up not giving anything. I was so excited at first and then was left with a bitter feeling in my mouth lol. seriously I should just stick to watching criminal minds or lotr movies. at least I already know the ending hahah. Old time favourites would never dissapoint me like that.


          he is actually inspired from few chinese boys yg I kenal hahaha (in dating apps) and yes, mereka memang very sweet and warm in a very formal sense, flirty too. 
          shout out to ren lol. sorry we didn't work out. but mostly adri is a figment from imagination and my own reflection of a guy whom I find attractive (really girl)


watching asian games past few days; and seeing our athletes did their best is always so inspiring. masa kecik I teringin nak jadi badminton player cuz I kidal and my smash kinda strong but then nothing happens ahaha, ig that's life kan.