
I've tried, but I can't seem to leave this app :) Got such a thoughtful message from a reader and some news coming up soon.  ☺️


Hi peoples! 
          So I have never dealing with postpartum depression for a while which is why I haven't updated in a while. I'm trying cause I really do wanna finish this book so please bare with me.


@annalovely_writer I understand take care of yourself and take your time to heal.


this message may be offensive
Hey Readers! I have some confessions to make to you guys.
          So, when I started writing this app I wanted to write stories that I haven't seen on this app, write in a different way. Which is why I wrote 'Mister Right' which became my most popular book. I continued to do that same with 'Can't Help It, I Want You', and 'Bloodline', which was my first story and my new series 'Addiction'. But over time, the level of engagement had died since I finished 'Overdose', and even before that and I don't know why. I want to create stories with meaning, not just porn books. So I'm not getting attention for my other stories that I'm starting to wirte. 'Yes, Docter' is a story not just about two co workers having sex and hating each other, but my main character is a black woman and what she had to overcome to reach where she is now. There will be sometimes in the story were she will face injustice but I can't write that if no one is reading it, and with the third book to my Addiction series, it was gonna tie back into the cliffhanger I left on Overdose between Yelena and Quill,  and the revenge they will be seeking. I'm kinda debating if I want to keep writing on this app, my motivation isn't there as much anymore. I may write one or two more books on this app, maybe three but I've been pretty busy with work and this is my last year of college so I wanna get that done. This was just me expressing how I felt and my plans on this app. Thank you the rest of my supporters and those who comment and vote on my chapters, I really appreciate it. This may be the last you hear from me while I figure some shit out in my life. 
          Xoxo Anna