Hey guys it’s anna❤️
I know I have been MIA and been making empty promise to update but I will soon,I have a lot going on right now,like school-and in school I’m doing my junior cert this year and study and homework have been piling up like mad.
I just finished my pres/mocks a week ago and now I’m being thrown into another pile of work,anyways enough with the excuses I decided that I was going to start up my “girl meets anna” book again since it’s been getting a lot of love lately which I am incredibly grateful for so thank you guys so much, and I will also try and update “the fayz” book.
I’ve been working on chapters in my free time and have a lot of drafts that I need to fix up and publish so don’t worry guys an update is coming soon and so is a secure updating schedule I promise,(pinky swear)right now I’m just really busy but I haven’t forgotten about you guys x