i'm a marvel fan while she isn't (again BAD TASTE) well she didn't have enough time to actually get into marvel lore (i cope w humor okay) i'm leaving this quote from vision. i hope the both of you are vibing there lol. “what is grief if not love persevering?”

my god. how long has it been? feels like an eternity. i haven't wrote or read in a while. i hope she's okay with that lol. life has been busy. mostly school. i'm so sorry, my sweet. i don't mean to sometimes forget. been a lot of healing and growing. sometimes grief persists, then i read a book she saved here and i laugh because god she had bad taste. then, i remember why she left me her account. i remember why she left me a piece of her. i wish you grew with me. you were just thirteen. i just saw some of the posts here on her profile and some messages. i'm sorry for just now seeing. thank you for loving her. her love was a gift. i pray she knows that. i'm sorry if i'm not consistent here, guys. i also do not have the best mental health lol. i'm sorry if i'm not consistent on your account, my sweet. i'm trying my best. why don't you come back and handle your account yourself? please

Honestly I'm glad she's living on with you. Better a party to celebrate her, right? This place had been like a graveyard for so long. I'm glad you're bringing it back to life ..

definitely, love. party her. some of the boomer people that know her here pity her because of their religious belief that she's not in somewhere nice because she took her own life. i think otherwise. i believe that she is okay. i belive she is happy. all she can yap about on earth is maybe she'll be okay in the afterlife. if god won't let her have that after years of anguish here.. i don't know what i'll do. i'll feel rage. but definitely, she'll love that we won't be sad. but it's also okay to feel what you feel. sit with it, but don't let it consume you. it's okay. she understands and i know she will heal with you. i know she's healing with us. for me, i think grief will forever linger but it's okay. after all what is grief if not love persevering? i lost a lot of loved ones lately that are related to her. she's happy to be reunited. she's okay. she's taking their hand in the afterlife for them to be okay too. her legacy will forever live on the people she loved and people that loved her. i'm happy to be one of those. forgive me on this but i cannot resist to joke this. this place is a graveyard like where she is now. back to life? i wish i could bring her back to life to slap some sense into her rather than this account.

@funscozy hi, baby ! i'm absolutely sure that's she's proud of you wherever she is. i can be a friend or an unnie you can lean on if you want to. not a 100% her but i can try. i sure am proud of you. thank you for loving her. keep going.

The pfp quality is making me mad!!!!

Goodbye Username Shookybethiccc_af, staryyy_urmymoon.ily, very sexy labanos with a pic of yoongi with it, and boy with love era background. You will be missed. I’m sure Angel put in her blood, sweat, and tears for you. You will be erased from existence but your owner will almost be here though. Bye bye! — Anne

this message may be offensive
Good day! Hi, everyone! Just some quick announcements. I’m finally going to upload a book and customizing her page. I hope you all wouldn’t mind! It took me a year or so to do this so HELP ME lol. I know a lot of people loved her for her iconic account, phrase “talk shit get hit”, and profile picture! I also know a lot of people added her for it. Because for one year I just keep receiving notifications from here lol. I just wanna add that people here are HILARIOUS. Especially her. People keep replying to her funny comments lol. That’s why I feel terrible to be doing this. I’m sorry. She’d haunt me lol. It took me a year to finally have courage to do this. I mean, it’s her customized and very funny page. Who’d have the ice cold heart to do so? I mean I don’t want to be haunted, my lovelies. Because I legit saw a ghost last night and that ain’t happening again. So, realize that this isn’t goodbye to her. It’s keeping her legacy all while I customize it to my liking! This is included in her will for me so we all don’t really have a choice. Plus! She already has pictures in her gallery that I might like. I WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO THIS!!! I also would like to do a ONESHOT book. I’m inconsistently working on a book she left me with here on wattpad and a few notes on here too. I LOVE HER ideas. But I’m thinking this is supposed to be a series. BUT I HAVE THE ENDING OF SENIOR YEAR going to college and moving to Leipzig and allll. I’m loving how it’s going so far but it’s at a pain staking pace bc of all that personal stuff. So it’s going to be oneshots for now bc sometimes I have time and I think of something cool to write down but for only a short amount of time. I’m that kind of person lol. So yeah! I’m looking forward to my journey here and with all of you. Always take care. Love you all! Xoxo — Anne

the owner of this account is dead for moreover a year now. good day guys! to my friend's friends here, i am so sorry to inform to you all that she is dead. and to those who dont know, her real name is angel. it's been a year or so. i dont keep track. i would like to keep this short and simple. this place has been her favorite escape, filled with her favorite people. she's the kindest, sweetest, most loving soul i have ever met. i like to think she never left, for she is always in our hearts. it's been a long time of suffering for me, sorry to keep you all waiting for this announcement. i know many are wondering and worried. to keep her legacy and to fulfil her wish to be before her death- which i thought was a kidding when she asked me to- i will keep this account as my own. i thought she was kidding because i mean, it's her wattpad account, "wdym girl??" if i remembered correctly was my reaction. i should have kept up with the hints. the cause of her death is suicide.

I came back on this account after a while, because I've been suffering from another friend's loss... I've been thinking about her more than usual. It's good to know that her legacy continues with all of us whom she loved. I am glad that there were more friends there for her when I really wasn't. I knew she kept complaining about the world, always talked about she wanted to suicide... I thought I'd talked her out of it.. guess I failed... But hey atleast she's in a better place now?

my condolences to everyone that loved her. it's been year or so since i was informed. i still cant get over it. it's going to be tough be it's alright. i always think that shes in my heart. in all our heart. so it would be less painful. thank you all! from this day ownward i will use this account so dont be confused. it's to fulfil her letter and her legacy on this app. i wont post her drafts (it's her privacy) but i would like to make and upload stories of my own here. i dont like to be reminded of her death so i would like it if people dont ask me much in the future. for now it will be okay for people to ask. since i posted this here it's expected that there will be questions. reactions, and responces. it's alright.

there are people she mention in her suicide letter and some of her notes she wrote a few days before her passing!!!! she calls them unnies and dongsaeng (i dont know how to spell it correctly). her letter is in the custody of her family. i did not take a picture of it in respect to them. by the way, i would like to inform you all that she loved you all. even in her suffering, even in her last days. here are the two names i remembered!! i would love to thank these two with my whole being, she loves you so much, Bhakti and Aurora. "unnie bhakti, i'm so sorry for leaving. i am so grateful for having you in my life. sorry for not fulfilling our dreams. i love you. i always will", "unie aurora, thank you for all the days you were there for me. i am so blessed to have you. i love you, i will never say it enough" sorry to the ones i didn't remember all the names she said. she has full letters for everyone she loved! i just cant take pictures because the family doesn't allow it. and i dont even know if i spelled the two names correctly or if that's their names at all, and its been a year since i read her letters, but if i remember correctly that's what she said and so much more. she was individual letter for certain people, i think she wrote a few days prior/before she ended it all. she loved you all!! those are just the names i remember and i think needs special mentions. and to her dongseaeng! she thinks you're the sweetest! "dont forget that i love you" was her words to you. and so much more. she was a full essay for you (for all of us). i didn't read it all because it's between you and her, it's your private letter. "i love you all" is her final words in her suicide letter. so if any of you need comforting, an angel in heaven loves you so much and she is watching over you. it's upseting that the family doesn't allow pictures so people who she wrote letter to can read it but that's how it is i guess. im sorry you all. rest in heaven, sweet angel.

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fuck you girl, i miss you.

rip bby. we'll miss you:((( fly high mareee luv u, love. tamo oh, napa-wattpad mo na aq, i blame u for this>:(( first new year without you, i can't do this without you, love. pero i know you're here with me, with us. ily

@csilla___ oh... It's ok, we both know she is very strong and that nothing will happen.. It's not your fault ok? I may not know you but from what you said it's not your fault. Im sorry it must've been uncomfortable for you to tell me, but I'm glad you did... I got really worried when I saw your message