@Zainylove hey i can not post this on my wall jehehe i dont know what to call it.. anyways i have read your story. It was unique i 8never read anything with the same plot as your story. I guess for me you could minimize the lenght of a paragraph. It really is not necessary that you put or write everything on what she did in the morning. Just don't over write i guess. In my opinion long paragraphs tend to become boring. Well its my opinion only and base from my experience i hope that you would find these helpful and not insulting. Its my first time to have a friend in a social site and i dont want to lose one.
its my first time writing so there are too many spelling mistakes and some sort of errors @annexisanne
@didakam thanks god hahahah you did not reply si i am little bit cincern why. And thought maybe you mad at me hahahah but i guess not. Thank you for being my friend,....