This is a joint account, where we will be writing stories together. Please follow our individual accounts!! 

Annie - @annie_aye
-Fool for you (unpublished)
Cheyenne- @chicken_food
-Rotten and Defective
-Letters and Numbers
-Thicker than shakes (unpublished)

  • MEL || VIC || AUS
  • Se ha unidoJuly 26, 2018


Historias de Annie & Cheyenne
Letters and Numbers de annie_cheyenne
Letters and Numbers
The world is slowly dying. Find someone to love before you turn 18 and you live. Don't and you die. In whic...
Rotten and Defective //NCT// de annie_cheyenne
Rotten and Defective //NCT//
"Your mine and only mine." "I will never be yours. The one I belong to lies somewhere else in...
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