Hey! I'm Margot, and I'm doing the 2017 Daily Dose of Happiness Challenge :-) which is a challenge where we compliment a random person on Wattpad every day and today I found you! I just wanted to say first of all that I adore your profile picture. That is so gorgeous and elegant. So fantastic. Like...profile pic GOALS.
Also, reading your profile literally made my day. It's rare these days to find someone like you: beautifully, wonderfully, unapologetically themselves. You are perfectly imperfect, and never has a phrase so comforted me in four simple words before.
Your personality shines through your word, and I could not be happier I got the chance to see a glimpse of it. It is brilliant, almost blinding, with the amount of passion you put into the world and the smiles you have created. Thank you. Thank you for being you. <3
If you want to join in on the challenge, more details are in the 2017 Daily Dose of Happiness Challenge book on @Paint_splatt's profile. Thanks and have a day worthy of your amazingness!
Much love,