
Hi guys! It's been ages since I have actually updated any of my stories and I am so so sorry about that! Writing has been on my back burner for the past couple years, though I am working on something new that I might share with you all soon :) Meanwhile, I have looked back on The Boy Next Door and its sequel Miles Apart and realized that they both are in major need of editing! I just wanted to let you all know that over the next few days I will be going back and re-editing each chapter to help the stories flow as much as possible! I haven't touched either of these stories since I was a sophomore in high school, and I'm now going into my freshman year of college?! Crazy how time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was dreaming up Colby and Hailey and wishing I could find someone to love like that! I will also see about continuing Miles Apart, and I am so so sorry that it's been on hold for so long. I lost inspiration and did not feel right about posting anything that I didn't feel proud of for my fans! Thank you all so much for sticking by me and reading these silly little love stories! I never expected anyone to enjoy them and you all have proved me very wrong! :)


Hi guys! It's been ages since I have actually updated any of my stories and I am so so sorry about that! Writing has been on my back burner for the past couple years, though I am working on something new that I might share with you all soon :) Meanwhile, I have looked back on The Boy Next Door and its sequel Miles Apart and realized that they both are in major need of editing! I just wanted to let you all know that over the next few days I will be going back and re-editing each chapter to help the stories flow as much as possible! I haven't touched either of these stories since I was a sophomore in high school, and I'm now going into my freshman year of college?! Crazy how time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was dreaming up Colby and Hailey and wishing I could find someone to love like that! I will also see about continuing Miles Apart, and I am so so sorry that it's been on hold for so long. I lost inspiration and did not feel right about posting anything that I didn't feel proud of for my fans! Thank you all so much for sticking by me and reading these silly little love stories! I never expected anyone to enjoy them and you all have proved me very wrong! :)


okay guys. no one likes my new story. i guess i'm gonna start the sequel. i'm going to have to adjust the epilogue a little bit for the plot to work, but it will be out soon i hope! meanwhile, tell me what you the of The Old You..please read it! It would mean alot and motivate me! <3 i love you guys!