
Alright y'all chapter one is edited and up, if you wanna read it go ahead! Gonna try and get the next chapter up by tomorrow or tuesday. happy reading


okay i started editing the first chapter of what now but i renamed it and now its called ethereal. lemme tell yall its gonna be a whole different book which im actually kinda excited for ill start posting the new versions of everything monday so if yall wanna read the awful og version now is the time and then you can see it grow and evolve as i post the new stuff which personally is going to be a huge improvement. okay anyways get ready some big things are comeing. also when im done w this story ill start doing the same thing to my harry potter fanfics and get those out for yall if thats more your style i just wanna focus on one fanfic at a time. anyways happy reading 
          annika <3


hey again! starting my 10th grade year has made me realize how much i miss writing. So i will start writing all my stories again. I'm planning on publishing when the whole story is done that way i don't have to stress. 
          so far i have 6 projects in progress right now which im sure you can imagine is alot to handle. ill be focusing on some more then others but i hope by the end of winter break i can start to post one or two stories again!


          Hey everyone! its been almost a year sense starting  my draco fic and i have many other unfinished stories im also writing my own book. i really want to finish all stories so heres my plan;
          FLM: updated weekly
          What now: MAJOR EDITING
          Consumed: writing half before posting chapters. this is a Fred Weasley fic!
          The Rank: this is my book im writing. i wont be posting it on here but i will be giving updates on it as im writing it. looking to get it published in the next year! my writing has grown alot so there will be editing here and there as much as i see fit!
          I am planing on posting weekly up dates and then j random crap as i write everything. thank you for all who are going to support me. i need someone to yell at me from time to time so if you want that job lmk lol


Okay so... I know when I’m going to post the next chapters of my Draco fanfic so I’m thinking is post on my online school days so that would be Tuesday,Thursday and Friday and maybe some Saturdays in there that way I have more time to write and get more chapters out sooner!