why do you only meet nice ppl online?? Like I know so many ppl online who I'd kill and die for and I know they'd do the same for me, but everyone I know irl are fucking assholes wtf
That is so true tho---- most of my friends irl always reply to me with 'lol, haha, nm, oof, hbu, wdym, lmao' and even if my online friends live thousands of miles away from me, and reply late bcus of time zones, they're still so sweet and r just the best ✨✨
The second I turn 18 I’m leaving this place and moving somewhere alone and just living my life the way I wanna. I can’t take anymore of this toxic life man
recommend some songs/artist cuz I just cleared out my playlist of the songs I didn't listen to and now there's only around fifty songs and I don't like having a playlist full of too many songs that I only listen to once a year, thank you