I'm ALIVE. Just finished school today. found a job. yay :') but frl frl i've been searching for one since forever so i'm pretty happy. even though being a cashier is so hard. ANYWAYS. I think i'm gonna start writing again. I have lots of inspiration + i've been feeling like starting one so I guess i'm in the mood. last thing : how are you? yes you how are you ? and does anyone lives in montreal?

@MelzDreamz Thankss I hope u get the results you want from writing, i'll be reading for sureee I'm kinda stressed about my exams, I really don't want to take any summer class :')) You kinda do tho it's really next door

Yesss Congrats for the job! I know how hard it can be, I'm 18 and I just got my first one (rip) but I'm sure you'll do well! Totally feel you! With school, I barely had the time/inspiration to write but now I have some many ideas going on my mind This few weeks have been great, how about you? :) And I live in Montreal, well laval now but I still like to think I still live in mtl lol