a song lyric is stuck in my head
I angrily open soundcloud and play the song
the lyric in my head plays
I close soundcloud and throw my phone across the room with the strength of gods
I go to sleep
a song lyric is stuck in my head
I angrily open soundcloud and play the song
the lyric in my head plays
I close soundcloud and throw my phone across the room with the strength of gods
I go to sleep
i low-key hate Christmas cuz like everyone hypes it up but like today I haven't come out of my room due to my mom and last year I spilled her wine and got yelled at and just sat by myself most of the day anyways who wants to help dismantle the government
me: I can't focus on my work *subtle hints that I need help and medication*
mom: you're just lazy *keeps telling me to just focus more* *doesn't let me do things because I can't focus or get work done*
me, crying: oh ok