may the force be with you

"Get traught or get dead."

"With great power comes great responsability"

"OnE DaY ChLoE aNd i WiLL hAvE a HoUsE ToGetHeR And We'LL hAvE a HamSteR nAmeD MaRiNeTtE"

"ShE's JuSt a fRiEnD"

"PLAGG noooooo wHo TurNeD yOu inTo a SoCk?!?!"

"Carpe diem, seize the day boys,make your lives extraordinary"

"Live long and prosper 🖖 "

"Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could"

"You want beauty' said Hercule Poirot 'Beauty at any price. For me, is the truth I want. Always the truth."

"Only those who have suffered long, can see the light within the shadows."
  • hell
  • JoinedFebruary 4, 2024

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