
Hello! I needed to change Casey's birthday date in the fanfic 'cause it wouldn't make sense... It's a small mistake. I just changed it and now her birthday is on 2nd of October.


Hi! So lately I've been writing a new story and I'm thinking of posting them? What do you think?
          So one is not a fanfic it's my own saphic fluff story called:
          ,,Look At The Moon,, 
          And ,,Look At The Moon" is originally in Polish but I thought I would make two versions of it for those who know Polish and wanna read the OG one and for those who don't know this language there will be an English version *WIN WIN* 
          It's diffrent from what I've already wrote, but I think it's good :))
          Tell me what you think!

anonimowyqueer, mostly I would get like 10-15 comments per chapter but TODAY omg I got 71 comments! Wow I just kinda can't belive it haha. Just a little celebrating that also we only need 50 VIEWS to get to 2k! 
          Thenk you all so much for reading ,,We Were Bound By Music" it means so much to me :)
          Love you all!


Hii guys! A question about another chapter I will be writing. Would you want Etho's POV this time or still Joel's? I'm fine with both I just want to know what you prefer <3
          It's a small thing but lately it's been only Joel's POV and I dont mind it! Just, wbu?
          Sending love and hugs/nice words (if you don't like physical touch)


Hello gremlins, I'm currently at a literature camp and for now I'm writing other things than my wattpad fanfictions, so I apologize if the date of the new chapter is postponed <3
          Still will be posting after I will be home 
          Love you all! ~AnonimowyQueer


What songs do you want me to add to the fanfic? :) I have a couple of ideas, but I'm mostly looking for lyrics of songs that will fit into the book


@ anonimowyqueer  I definetly will try to add lyrics from these songs :)


@anonimowyqueer i wanna be your boyfriend by girl in red maybe? or stupid bitch (also by girl in red) just an idea tho


Hello lovely author, idk if it's just me, but wattpad won't let me read the new chapter of bound by music? I'm just curious


@ Atla_Playz_Roblox  Hi, so I checked it and on my device it's not a problem but I'll reupload the chapter and tell me if it's fixed, ok? :)


@ Atla_Playz_Roblox  Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll check it