
Hey anyone still actually following this hahah


theres no sympathy in this goddamned world I stopped caring bout it take it from me hope died and never came back where was it when I had to live with my pyscho mom and drunken jack ass of a step-dad where was it then? nowhere to be seen.


Stop it I'm allergic to onions...


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its time for you to see my point does hope bring back dead loved ones no it don't does sympathy no it fucking don't I much rather get my eyes ripped out by jeff the killer sympathy aint worth shit!!! hoped you learned something today *bows humbly*


hopes gone kid sympathy is dead or just plain useless anymore hopes get crushed dreams get shattered youre left in the dust wondering is life gonna get better I say hell no where was hope when my grandpa was near dying nowhere it don't exsit theres no such thing as hope its a retarded dream that tries to be useful but its not I can't believe you think hopes and dreams amount to something they don't