
Alright heres the dealio: 
          	1. I changed my name (previously lulabell0516). People from school started getting wattpads and my username is so obviously me if anyone from my school found it and I couldn't deal with THAT
          	2. I took all my books down. DON'T HATE ME! but I was going through them and realized how much I could make better and change and all of that good stuff so they will be going up one at a time starting with A Summer to Remember because that's my most inspired one right now. 
          	3. I suck. I haven't been on in forever. That's gonna change. Im out of school now so theres plenty of time. 
          	4. I miss you guys! Okay I'm leaving now. See you in a week or so. Byyeeee:) <3


Alright heres the dealio: 
          1. I changed my name (previously lulabell0516). People from school started getting wattpads and my username is so obviously me if anyone from my school found it and I couldn't deal with THAT
          2. I took all my books down. DON'T HATE ME! but I was going through them and realized how much I could make better and change and all of that good stuff so they will be going up one at a time starting with A Summer to Remember because that's my most inspired one right now. 
          3. I suck. I haven't been on in forever. That's gonna change. Im out of school now so theres plenty of time. 
          4. I miss you guys! Okay I'm leaving now. See you in a week or so. Byyeeee:) <3


Writing Schedule is as follows: 
          Invisible: :Every Wednesday (Already posted today, check that out xx) 
          A Summer To Remember: Every Thursday
          My Mate: Still on hold (Sorry!) 
          Please don't get mad if I update a day late, I do have school and sports and friends. Okay thanks:) Xx


Soo hey I'm back! :) 
          So there's good AND bad news...
          the BAD news is that I honestly have no inspiration for My Mate anymore:( I was hoping taking a summer break would help get some ideas but I'm coming up blank, it's extremely depressing for me as well and for now it will be on hold. When I'm able to work through it and can force myself to write a couple chapters (hopefully when I get my own laptop) I'll update I PROMISE! but for now it's on hold...
          the GOOD news is I have a new story I started call "Invisible" so you should check THAT out! And I'm also going to be updating A Summer To Remember frequently. So I'll still be posting, just not My Mate. 
          I hope you understand and really hope you stay by me right now! :) 
          Love, Lauren<3


I'm sorry to say I wont be writing the rest of the summer. There's way too much stuff going on right now and I hope you understand. I'll continue when school starts, my parents stop fighting over me and my brother, and I dot have to babysit everyday. Please don't be mad but I need a break. I hope you understand. 
          I'll see you in a month or so...


Okay, you all probably hate me since it's been like 3 weeks since my last upload I'm sorry! I had a lot of family drama to deal with and since my parents work all day during summer I have to watch my 3 younger siblings. I have no time to write bit I promise I'll figure something out soon! If your still with me reading my books thanks for sticking by me:) love you guys!<3